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发布日期: 2021-03-19 作者: 点击:[7428]

1.   研究室简介




2.   负责人简介


致力于焊接疲劳、非线弹性断裂等领域的基础研究,主持国家自然科学基金(青年2015,面上2017),国家科技支撑计划(2015),国家外专项目(2017),陕西省基金(青年2016,重点2017),9479威尼斯卓越青年基金、领军人才项目等纵向科研课题近20项;在ActaMaterialia, Engineering Fracture Mechanics等期刊上发表论文30余篇(中科院一区且Top期刊10余篇);授权专利10余件。研究成果多次被世界科研新闻资讯网Phys.org、美国科技评论杂志Modern Metals magazineFF Journal、澳大利亚科学网Science Network WA、机械设计工程门户网站Engineering Clicks等国际媒体进行专题报道。30余次受邀在国际性学术会议上担任大会共同主席(2届)、委员,作大会主题报告、特邀报告;担任国家自然科学基金同行评议人,兼任International Journal of Fatigue, Engineering Fracture Mechanics等多个国际期刊的特邀审稿专家。


[1] 基于缓冲层调控的焊接接头延寿理论

[2] 金属及焊接结构的超载作用机制

[3] 基于材料性能和微观结构的断裂力学解析方程

3.   主持项目

[1]   国家自然科学基金(面上项目):残余应力疲劳载荷耦合作用下高强钢接头寿命预测及缓冲层延寿机理研究,2017.1 – 2020.12,张春国主持

[2]   国家自然科学基金(青年基金):含缓冲层高强钢焊接接头疲劳扩展模型及机理研究,2015.1 – 2017.12,张春国主持

[3]   国家自然科学基金(青年基金):复杂工况下弧齿锥齿轮摩擦动力学耦合机理与微点蚀预测方法,2021.1-2023.12,曹伟主持

[4]   国家级外专项目(一带一路教科文卫引智计划):中-俄联合创办筑路机械国际期刊,2017.1,张春国主持

[5]   国家重大仪器研发子项目:黄土工程地质信息智能识别与自适应探测机器人研究,2020.1-2024.12,董忠红主持

[6]   国家重点研发计划子项目:大空间多自由度复杂岩壁石质文物智能探测机器人研究,2020.1-2022.12,董忠红主持

[7]   国家科技支撑计划(子课题):装载机整机及关键零部件载荷谱分析研究,2015.4 – 2017.12,张春国主持

[8]   国家科技支撑计划(子课题):挖掘机关键零部件疲劳寿命预测方法研究,2015.04-2017.12,梁佳主持

[9]   陕西省自然科学基金(重点研发计划):含缓冲层的高强钢焊接接头的疲劳非线性及裂纹扩展速率定量预测研究,2017.8 -2019.12,张春国主持

[10]陕西省自然科学基金(青年人才):高强度合金钢焊接接头的疲劳断裂特征及缓冲层延寿机理研究,2016.1 -2017.12,张春国主持





[15]西北工业大学协作配套项目:单晶高温合金缓进磨表面完整性形成机理及控制,2020.9- 2021.8,靳淇超主持






4.   发表论文

[1]   Shuangge Yang, Chunguo Zhang*, Xiancheng Zhang*. Notch radius effect on fracture toughness of ceramics pertinent to grain size. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40: 4217-4223.

[2]   Shuangge Yang, Chunguo Zhang*, Xiancheng Zhang*. Probabilistic relation between stress intensity and fracture toughness in ceramics. Ceramics International, 2020, 46: 20558-20564.

[3]   Datao Li*, Chunguo Zhang, Pengmin Lu*. Fatigue property and improvement of a rounded welding region between the diaphragm plate and closed rib of an orthotropic steel bridge deck. Metals, 2020, 10, 161.

[4]   Chunguo Zhang, S.P. Batuev, P.A. Radchenko, A.V. Radchenko*. Modelling of fracture of spatial concrete structures under impulse loads. Mechanics of Solids, 2019, 54(6): 854-860.

[5]   Chunguo Zhang*, Shuangge Yang. Probabilistic prediction of strength and fracture toughness scatters for ceramics using normal distribution. Materials 2019, 12: 727.

[6]   Chunguo Zhang*, Rongwei Liu, Qiankun Liu, CuipingRen. Effect of stop hole-induced material removal on fatigue properties of cracked DT4C steel. Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology, 2019, 53(4): 457-465.

[7]   Chunguo Zhang*, Beibei Lei, Rongwei Liu, FengfengHuo. Trends in fatigue crack growth for the 2024 Al-alloy after a single tensile overload. Materiali in Tehnologije / Materials and Technology, 2018, 52 (6): 703-710.

[8]   Chunguo Zhang*, Weizhen Song, Qitao Wang, Wen Liu. Influence of pre-stress magnitude on fatigue crack growth behavior of Al-alloy. Materials, 2018, 11: 1267.

[9]   Chunguo Zhang, X Hu*, Zhimin Wu, Qingbin Li. Influence of grain size on granite strength and toughness with reliability specified by normal distribution. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2018, 96: 534-544.

[10]CuipingRen, Qunqi Wu, Chunguo Zhang*, Shengzhong Zhang. A normal distribution-based methodology for analysis of fatal accidents in land hazardous material transportation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018, 15: 1437.

[11]Chunguo Zhang, X Hu*, Tim Sercombe, Qingbin Li, Zhimin Wu, Pengmin Lu. Prediction of ceramic fracture with normal distribution pertinent to grain size. ActaMaterialia, 2018, 145: 41-48.

[12]Chunguo Zhang*, CuipingRen, Beibei Lei, X Hu, Pengmin Lu. Effect of post-weld heat-treatment on the fatigue and fracture mechanisms of weld-repaired Bisplate80 with or without a buffer layer. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26: 2742-2753.

[13]Chunguo Zhang*, JizhuangHui, Pengmin Lu, X Hu, Jia Liang. Effects of heterogeneity and load amplitude on fatigue rate prediction of a welded joint. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8: 1-8.

[14]Chunguo Zhang*, Pengmin Lu, X Hu.  Residual stress and softening in welded high-strength low-alloy steel with a buffering layer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214: 229-237.

[15]Chunguo Zhang*, Pengmin Lu, X Hu, Xuding Song. Residual stress-induced deformation and fatigue crack growth in weld-repaired high-strength low-alloy steel with soft buffer layer. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 564: 147-157.

[16]Chunguo Zhang*, X Hu, Pengmin Lu, Gaiping Zhang. Tensile overload-induced plastic deformation and fatigue behavior in weld-repaired high-strength low-alloy steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 213: 2005-2014.

[17]Chunguo Zhang*, X Hu, Pengmin Lu. Fatigue and hardness effects of a thin buffer layer on the heat affected zone of a weld repaired Bisplate80. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012, 212: 393-401.

[18]Chunguo Zhang, Songxu Ding, Pengmin Lu*, X Hu. Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties in weld-repaired high strength low alloy steel. Materials & Design, 2012, 36: 233-242.

[19]Chunguo Zhang, Jingzhou Yang, X Hu, Pengmin Lu*, Maomao Zhao. Microstructure characteristics and fatigue properties of welded HSLA with and without buffer layer. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 546: 169-179.

[20]Chunguo Zhang*, Pengmin Lu, X Hu, Xuding Song. Effect of buffer layer and notch location on fatigue behavior in welded high-strength low-alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2012, 2122091-2101.

[21]Chunguo Zhang, Stefan van der Vyer, X Hu*, Pengmin Lu. Fatigue crack growth behaviour in weld-repaired high strength low alloy steel. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2011, 78: 1862-1875.

[22]A.V. Radchenko, P.A. Radchenko, S.P. Batuev, C.G. Zhang. Implementation of Johnson-Cook model in EFES program software. AIP Conference Proceedings 2027 (2018) 030178

[23]Chunguo Zhang*, Shuangge Yang, Shuai Luan, JizhuangHui, Wen Liu, CuipingRen. Positive effect of indentation on fatigue crack growth of mild steel. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1074 (2018) 012037.

[24]CuipingRen, Chunguo Zhang*, Qunqi Wu. Research on the value of road freight big data in government statistics. American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017: 339-345.

[25]Chunguo Zhang*, Pengmin Lu, Junhong Li. Effect of buffer layer thickness on fatigue and residual stress of welded high-strength low-alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 820: 110-113.

[26]Chunguo Zhang, Stefan van der Vyer, X Hu*. Fatigue behaviour of weld-repaired high strength low alloy steel. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 275: 39-42.

[27]梁佳, 宋绪丁*, 吕彭民, . 轮式装载机驱动桥疲劳试验及其疲劳可靠性评估. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 33(7):116~ 122.

[28]梁佳, 宋绪丁*, 黄柱安, . 装载机驱动桥疲劳试验扭矩加载谱编制方法研究. 中国机械工程, 2018, 29(9):1039~ 1044.

[29]梁佳, 宋绪丁*, 高晓伟, . 装载机动臂载荷当量方法与载荷谱编制研究. 机械强度, 2018, 40(3): 702~ 708.

[30]万一品, 宋绪丁, 员征文. 装载机工作装置的疲劳试验及疲劳可靠性评估.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2020,48(08): 108-114.

[31]万一品, 宋绪丁, 郁录平, . 装载机工作装置载荷识别模型与载荷测取方法. 振动.测试与诊断, 2019,39(03): 582-589+673.

[32]万一品, 宋绪丁, 吕彭民, . 基于弯矩等效的装载机外载荷当量与载荷谱编制.9479威尼斯学报(自然科学版), 2019,39(02):117-126.

[33]万一品, 宋绪丁, 员征文, . 装载机工作装置随机载荷统计特性分析. 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), 2018,41(10): 1302-1308.

[34]万一品, 宋绪丁, 员征文, . 装载机工作装置疲劳试验载荷谱编制方法. 中国机械工程, 2017,28(15): 1806-1811.

[35]万一品, 贾洁, 宋绪丁, . 基于响应面法的装载机动臂结构可靠性研究. 机械设计, 2017,34(06): 7-11.

[36]Cao W, Wang J, Pu W, et al. Micro Stress Cycle and Contact Fatigue of Spiral Bevel Gears by Rolling-Sliding of Asperity Contact. Friction, 2020, 40544:1-19.

[37]Cao W, Wang J, Pu W, et al. Tribo-dynamic model and fatigue life analysis of spiral bevel gears. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2019, 74, 124-138.

[38]Cao W, Pu W, Wang J, et al. Effect of contact path on the mixed lubrication performance, friction and contact fatigue in spiral bevel gears. Tribology International, 2018, 123:359-371.

[39]Cao W, Wang J, Pu W, et al. A study on the effect of acceleration on slip velocity and lubrication performance in cylindrical roller bearings. ARCHIVE Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J Journal of Engineering Tribology 1994-1996 (vols 208-210), 2016, 230(10): 1231-1243.

[40]Cao W, Wang J, Pu W, et al. The effect of round corner on lubrication of high speed cylindrical roller bearings considering skidding. Industrial Lubrication & Tribology, 2017, 69(6):01-13.

[41]Jin Q, Wang W, Yan W, Jiang R. Springback and forward slip compensation in designing roller cavity surfaces for net-shape rolling compressor blades. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2017, 32(12):1442-1449.

[42]Jin Qichao, Wang Wenhu, Jiang Ruisong, Louis Ngai Sum Chiu, Di Liu, Wenyi Yan. A numerical study on contact condition and wear of roller in cold rolling. Metals. 2017.7(376).

[43]Qichao Jin, Wenhu Wang, Ruisong Jiang. Investigating the contact responses of the roller cavity surfaces in the compressor blade rolling process. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2020

[44]靳淇超, 汪文虎, 蒋睿嵩, 赵德中, 崔康, 熊一峰. 压气机叶片辊轧模具型腔回弹补偿方法研究. 机械工程学报, 2017, 53(16):148-155.

[45]靳淇超, 汪文虎, 蒋睿嵩, 赵德中, 崔康, 熊一峰. 压气机叶片辊轧模具型腔前滑补偿方法. 航空学报, 2017, 38(1):323-332.

[46]靳淇超, 汪文虎, 蒋睿嵩, 赵德中, 崔康. 一种改进的压气机叶片辊轧成型前滑计算模型. 航空学报, 2016, 37(10): 3178-3185.

5.   授权专利

[1]   一种用于检测沥青路面层间应变的平面传感器, ZL201010579338.9, 董忠红、吕彭民、倪凤英.

[2]   一种用于检测沥青路面动力响应的多维传感器,ZL201010579231.4, 董忠红、吕彭民、倪凤英.

[3]   一种桥梁检测装置, ZL201610012710.5, 董忠红、梁佳、刘耀松、段小锋、王宪.

[4]   一种用于工业除尘的超长滤筒, ZL201610027034.9, 董忠红、倪凤英、段小锋、王宪、刘耀松.

[5]   一种用于检测路面结构复杂应力状态的传感器, ZL201610108725.1, 董忠红、倪凤英、王宪、刘耀松、段小锋.

[6]   一种路面结构力学行为试验装置及试验方法, ZL201710487292.X, 董忠红、郭志勇、荣明达、吴学前.

[7]   一种无人化桥梁检测与维修装置, ZL201711023236.7, 董忠红、赵亮亮、车轰、王景、黄炎.

[8]   一种用于检测沥青路面动力响应的传感器, ZL200910022465.6, 吕彭民、董忠红.2009-10-21.

[9]   装载机工作装置疲劳试验谱整理方法、加载方法及装置,ZL201710482623.0,万一品, 宋绪丁, 陈乐乐, 张磊.

[10]一种可定位手自一体盖章装置及其使用方法,ZL201610932186.3,万一品, 贾洁, 范晓峰, 宋绪丁.

[11]一种蓄水装置及其使用方法,ZL201510962592.X,万一品, 贾洁, 刘彦峰, 宋绪丁.

[12]一种自动捣蒜泥装置,ZL201510512531.3,万一品, 贾洁, 宋绪丁, 刘彦峰.

[13]一种车载帆布自动伸展回收装置,ZL201510165714.2,万一品, 李朋朋, 刘彦峰, 陈兆鲁, 李雷, 郑贺.

[14]一种小管径隧道排水盲管智能疏通机器人, 201922119037.7, 董忠红、郑家伟、李泽凯、刘晓明、李明辉、兰恒星、晏长根.

[15]角磨机头壳自动轴承安装机, ZL 2017 2 1790391.7, 张春国,李光尚,栾帅,杨双阁,鲁伟东,李筱筱,曹其梦.

[16]一种内外环落料拉伸冲底复合膜, ZL 2017 2 1755793.3, 张春国,鲁伟东,栾帅,杨双阁,陈晓宇,赵晓东.

[17]一种磨光装置及安装有该磨光装置的磨光机, ZL 2017 2 0048527. 0, 张春国,刘荣伟,宋威振,王琦涛,雷贝贝,毕研贞.

[18]角磨机头壳自动安装轴承结构, ZL 2017 2 1789445.8, 张春国,栾帅,赵晓东,李光尚,杨双阁,鲁伟东,曹其梦.

[19]一种对残余应力测试点进行预处理的腐蚀装置, ZL 2014 2 0778615. 2, 张春国,吕彭民,任翠萍.

[20]一种用于板材焊接微变形的测量装置, ZL 2015 2 0009547. 8, 张春国,任翠萍,李雪峰,吕彭民.

[21]斜面槽铣削加工用定位夹紧装置, ZL 2014 2 0778592. 5, 梁佳,张春国,吴明,霍亚光,赵晓运.

6.   荣誉及获奖

[1]   张春国入选陕西省创新人才推进计划 - 中青年科技创新领军人才,2018

[2]   张春国入选陕西省青年科技新星,2016

[3]   张春国获陕西省科学技术一等奖,移动模架造桥机成套技术研究与工程应用,2019

[4]   张春国获2016年度陕西省优秀博士学位论文,高强钢双金属焊接疲劳裂纹扩展机理及组织演化规律研究,2017

[5]   张春国获中国公路学会科学技术二等奖,移动模架造桥机高效施工关键技术研究、装备开发及工程应用,2018

[6]   张春国入选9479威尼斯首批青年长安学者2018

[7]   董忠红获陕西省科技进步三等奖,高速公路长大上坡沥青路面动力响应与设计指标研究,2015

[8]   张春国入选9479威尼斯首批卓越青年科研提升计划,2015

[9]   董忠红获陕西省科技进步二等奖,沥青路面动力响应分析方法研究2011





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